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3rd Erasmus+ International Teaching Mobility Week

Szanowni Państwo,
poniżej zamieszczono informację przesłana z European University Cyprus (EUC) dotyczącą możliwości wzięcia udziału przez Pracowników naszej Uczelni w “3rd Erasmus+ International Teaching Mobility Week” w terminie od 9 do 13 marca 2020r.
Osoby zainteresowane wydarzeniem proszę o kontakt mailowy na adres lub kontakt telefoniczny 32 208 3672.

Dear Colleagues,
Greetings from sunny Cyprus!

European University Cyprus (EUC) cordially invites guest lecturers from partner universities to its 3rd Erasmus+ International Teaching Mobility Week which will take place from 9th to 13th March 2020.

The purpose of the week is to provide an excellent international learning environment and promote networking opportunities among guest lecturers, EUC faculty and students. The week will be enriched with social and cultural activities that will give the participants a taste of Cypriot history and culture.

Guest lecturers are invited to prepare lectures sessions and/or workshops, based on their academic interests, to our Bachelor’s degree students.

 – Guest lecturers will be asked to deliver 8 teaching hours in total, in order to be compatible with the requirements of the Teaching mobility strand within the Erasmus+ Program. They are also invited to propose their own themes for their lectures.
– The Erasmus Academic Coordinators of our Schools are available to discuss course content issues upon request:

School Coordinators Email
Medicine Dr. Constantinos Tsoutis
Sciences Dr. Antonia Sophocleous

• Besides teaching sessions, lecturers will be asked to deliver a presentation (5-7 minutes) introducing their university to our students with university’s profile and inform about student exchange opportunities within the Erasmus+ Program.

The number of participants will be limited to 20 and no more than two applicants will be accepted per institution.

Participants may apply for an Erasmus+ Teaching Mobility Grant at their home institutions. There is no registration/participation fee.

The deadline to apply for the 3rd Erasmus+ International Teaching Mobility Week is December 10th , 2019. The application form is available online at https://forms.gle/bSL114arZ2qKSG9j6 . Applicants will be notified by January 10th, 2020.

Please address any enquiries to .

flaga polski

Welcome to SUM – Polish language course

Information for Students who stay in Poland for the entire academic year and are interested in the Polish language course.

Most likely, the registration for the course will start tomorrow – please follow the information on the website https://student.sum.edu.pl/welcome-to-sum/ .

Do not miss the opportunity !!!

Polska zobacz więcej - weekend za pół ceny

POLAND See More / POLSKA Zobacz Więcej – weekend za pół ceny

W ramach współpracy Fundacji Rozwoju Systemu Edukacji (FRSE) z Polską Organizacją Turystyczną przekazujemy Państwu informację o ogólnopolskiej kampanii „Polska zobacz więcej – weekend za pół ceny”.

Więcej informacji na stronie: https://polskazobaczwiecej.pl/

As part of the cooperation between the FRSE and the Polish Tourist Organization, we provide you with information about the nationwide campaign ‘Poland see more – half price weekend’.

More information on site: https://polskazobaczwiecej.pl/

Erasmus Courses

Szkolenia Pracowników ERASMUS+ / ShipCon

Kursy Masterclass ShipCon w ramach Erasmus + (KA1) mają na celu zaspokojenie potrzeb zawodowych i osobistych wszystkich osób pracujących na uniwersytetach (kadra akademicka i administracyjna), nauczycieli szkół podstawowych i średnich, pracowników VET i trenerów. Są one starannie dobierane i dostarczane przez najlepszych trenerów w wyjątkowych lokalizacjach w całej Europie. ShipCon jest jednym z największych i najbardziej niezawodnych dostawców kursów szkoleniowych Erasmus + w Europie. Warto również wspomnieć, że w przypadku ShipCon wysokiej jakości kursom Erasmus + zawsze towarzyszy wysokiej jakości zakwaterowanie, doskonałe jedzenie oraz wycieczki kulturalne / krajoznawcze dla wszystkich uczestników dzięki naszym unikalnym pełnym pakietom.

Pełną listę dostępnych kursów znajdziecie Państwo tutaj: LISTA KURSÓW POTWIERDZONYCH DO GRUDNIA 2020.

ShipCon masterclass courses under Erasmus+ (KA1) are designed to meet the professional and personal needs of all those working at Universities (academic & administrative staff), teachers at primary and secondary education, VET staff and trainers. They are meticulously selected and delivered by top quality trainers in outstanding locations across Europe. ShipCon is one of the biggest and most reliable provider of Erasmus+ training courses in Europe. It is also worth mentioning that for ShipCon, quality Erasmus+ courses are always accompanied by quality accommodation, excellent food and cultural/sightseeing excursions for all participants through our unique Full Packages. 

A full list of available courses can be found here: LIST OF COURSES CONFIRMED BY DECEMBER 2020.